Larry Dixon is a multimedia artist and consultant with 15+ years of professional experience in photography, video production, and audio engineering. He has 17 years of experience providing excellent customer service, working with individuals, nonprofits/community organizations, corporate companies, and collegiate institution. Mr. Dixon has traveled to over 20 countries consulting clients on multimedia design and implementation. He leverages extensive knowledge of photography and videography in operating cameras for promotional photo shoots, candid event shots, television commercials, and documentaries/independent film projects. Technically advanced in Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, and Lightroom.
In 2002, he became a senior natural hair-stylist at Duafe Holistic Haircare. His signature style is easily recognizable and highly sought after in the natural hair care industry. As a result of a need to capture his captivating works of art, Mr. Dixon picked up a pro camera to document his unique masterpieces. This soon led to great recognition and admiration for his creative eye and mastery of his new brush. It is Mr. Dixon’s passion to capture vivid images with each stroke of the shutter.
By his side is his wife and best friend of 17 years. Together, they've created what he calls "his greatest work of art", their two awesome children Indigo and Citizen Dixon.